SomeDay was designed to get digital
photos printed
the way you want. I have built it from my experience with making prints
using commercial software. I found several things that I did
to do were not in commercial software, but loads of stuff that I never used
was in there too. In
particular, it was hard to judge how the print would come out from what
you could see on the screen.
It runs on Win98 and later. On Win10 when a new user is created they have no default printer, so please assign them a default printer before running Someday.
Facilities include:-
- Correct any tilt to horizontal or vertical
- Correct for vertical and horizontal perspective
- Set white balance to make a sample of the image go grey
- Set the size and position on the paper
- Set margins
- Print in a half or quarter sheet or other frame
- See tone and saturation histograms
- Expand tonal range
- Apply tone and saturation maps
- Apply dodging so that large scale variations in brightness
are reduced
- Show the image and the paper at the scale it is printed
while you work on it
- Print
and scan a grey test image; use the scan to set up
color and tone compensation maps for various papers or inks
- Compare a printed image with the one on the screen and set
up visualisation maps to make them similar
- Set the screen gamma with a test pattern
- Descreen scanned prints
- Remove redeye, with user control to optimise the result
- Generate a grey image to exclude, or include, color
- Remove noise by blurring only in featureless areas of the
- Construct layered images in which each layer is a reference
to an image file with the above settings applied
- Construct an opacity mask and apply it to a layer
- Draw on a layer with marks that are editable
- Keep one unchanged jpeg image file for each photo, and save
alternative versions of the above settings as data in the file
- Print several images on one page
- Browse through jpeg image thumbnails and data from exif
- Add thumbnails to jpeg images
- Drag and drop exif orientations in the thumbnail browser
- Drag and drop settings from the browser to the current image
- Manage image files within the browser
- Add comments to jpeg images
- Get images from a scanner or other TWAIN device
- Print or save a series of images
- Save at reduced image size and lower noise
I have been using SomeDay for several years (in between writing it). It is
now ready to download, if you would like to try it out. It is
copyright, free for noncommercial use